Jun 23, 2010

Toy Story 3

 If you ask anyone that know me well, you would learn that I can be quite the film critic at times. And if there is one thing that I find myself sighing over is when unnecessary sequels are announced. Too many times I have seen sequels to otherwise great series and took everything about it that was grand and crushes it underneath it's heel - all for the sake of some extra box-office revenue.

Naturally, there are many great exceptions to this often-committed-too-many-times travesty. Some of the greatest and most successful films are indeed sequels, themselves. And like those that often defied the formula of the typical sequel, Pixar proved that their tale of toys that come to live when we do not see them would be just as great as the first time around. Although, I, myself, didn't find Toy Story 2 too much an improvement from the first movie, what Pixar offered in that film was a well-rounded and well-executed movie. And then, after what considered forever, fueled with the speculation created from the 'bloober reels' from Toy Story 2, the third film was announced.

While I have rarely questioned Pixar's ability to deliver excellent grade movies, I found myself feeling awfully skeptical about the project. One change that made me feel a little uneasy was the absence of John Lasseter from the director seat, who took the helm of the previous two films. A change of directors from one film to it's sequels is usually the first sign that the film has the potential to suck. And considering that this was the third film, very rarely does the third entry make par to the quality of the previous two films. But, since this was Pixar we are talking about, I decided to have faith that the film would deliver. And deliver it did. In fact, I found Toy Story 3 was my favorite of the trilogy.

I won't get into details of the story's plot for the sake of those who have yet to see it in theaters, but everybody who is familiar with the fantastic work with Pixar should see this. Hell, EVERYBODY should see this! I can promise with utmost certainty that you will not regret it.

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